Happy Easter!

So far in 2018, we have been delighted to watch a number of our schools take possession of their new facilities:
Hampton Park Primary School has a whole new look,
St Dominic's has a terrific new STEAM Centre,
Mordialloc College has a brand new Netball Stadium,
Essendon Primary School have been fully refurbished and
St Mary MacKillop Primary School have opened their doors in Bannockburn.
Meanwhile we have been very busy working with our Builders to deliver:
Two new purpose built Scout Halls,
Belmont High's new performing arts centre
A new learning centre for Mount St Joseph Girls School
A new science centre for Marian College
St Louis de Montfort Primary's new learning centre and
Hazel Glen College's final stage of building - 6 years in the making....
It is great to see our hard work being constructed and handed over. We are now looking forward to seeing our current projects come off the board and go on site.
Wishing all of our clients, contractors and collaborators a lovely Easter and well earned school holiday break!

#minxarchitecture #minx #awardwinning #MelbourneArchitect #GeelongArchitect #MordiallocCollege #EssendonPrimarySchool #StMaryMacKillop #hamptonparkprimary #STEAMCentre #learningcentre #sciencecentre #LEA #VSBA #EducationArchitecture #educationspacedesign #education