Our New Associate

Minx are thrilled to announce the appointment of Mel Walton as our new associate.
Mel has been working with us since 2014, and brings to Minx a wealth of experience in education architecture. Jane and Mel originally worked together as graduate Architects at the Sainsbury Reed Group in the 1990’s and the professional friendship has continued through until today.
Mel’s past experience with GHD in Melbourne, Hames Sharley in Perth and Hochschule Konstanz in Germany has taken her across the globe as a Project Architect. We are very pleased that she and her family have now settled back in Melbourne, and chosen to live just down the road from our new office in Footscray.
Mel will be heading up a number of Minx projects including our current work at Mount Saint Joseph Girls College, Marian College and Newport Lakes Primary School. We are sure that these schools will benefit from her skill as a designer and expertise as a Project Architect.
Mel is now in charge of our office well-being and has made excellent progress to date in organising our Friday night drinks, hump-day morning tea and social activities.
Congratulations Mel and we look forward to many morning teas to come!