2012 : Educating Girls
Do girls need a different type of educational facility to boys?

This is a question that Minx pondered when approached to design a new facility for the Marian Catholic Girls College in Sunshine West.
Do we learn in the same way as the boys?
Do we use space in the same way as boys?
Are our education choices the same as those made by boys?
The Design Warehouse at Marian College sought to answer some of these questions.
The design solution was built around a courtyard of concrete plinths. Walking around the school Minx noticed that the girls were enjoying sitting on the concrete paths. School girl memories were stimulated and it was agreed that there was something lovely about sitting on concrete. The thermal mass, the warmth or coolth make it irresistible to a girl in a school dress.
The facilities in the warehouse allow girls access to Design Technology, Visual Communications, Fabrics, Art, Ceramics and Photography spaces, all arranged around a central collaborative design space that provides for gallery exhibition of the work produced within.
Design Warehouse – Marian College
CEFPI Award for outstanding school facilities, Winner modernisation over $2million.